Arlula provides access to a range of satellite imagery sensor types offered by our global network of suppliers. Currently the Arlula API provides direct access to Multispectral imagery of different resolutions, but other sensor types can be accessed by contacting us directly.
Multispectral imagery.
Multispectral images consist of reflected energy from several spectral bands and can produce images that look like regular colour photography. In reality, individual bands can provide more insights that can be seen by the naked eye and are valued differently according to the specific use case. Generally speaking, more spectral bands means more data and the potential for a greater variety of insights and use cases.
Panchromatic imagery.
Panchromatic imagery has a grayscale appearance due to the single band used to capture data and merge a range of individual visible light spectrums and wavelengths. The advantage of this is that it produces a much higher spatial resolution and can often produces near infrared depending on the specific sensitivity of the sensor.